***UPDATE as of 4/25/19 - Sunday 5/5 is full and there are 4 spots available for Saturday 4/4*** I’ve booked 2 days of the finest varmint shooting Oregon has to offer for the first annual Oregon Outfitters Sage Rat Hunt with our friends at Diamond A Guides. Diamond A Guides operate out of Crane, OR which is about 20-30 minutes southeast of Burns. We meet, stay and eat at Crystal Crane Hot Springs (address below). Nikki feeds us 3 hot meals a day and we hit the fields between meals with our guides. I’ve been going on this hunt for the past few years and I look forward to it every spring. The fields are overrun with Belding’s Ground Squirrels AKA Sage Rats. Last year, we planted the platform trailer in one spot and did not move the entire day. From that spot, 6 shooters including myself were entertained for over 8 hours. I personally shot over 700 rounds of .22 and 17HMR that day which resulted in 500-600 dead sage rats. I mainly shoot a bolt action 17HMR rifle but I also usually take a 10/22 type rifle, a 22LR handgun for close shots and an AR-15 chambered in 22 Nosler. I normally shoot less than 30 centerfire rounds as there will be tons of action in the 50-100 yard range. Oregon Outfitters' involvement on the trip is only to round up enough shooters to fill a platform or two. In addition, if you are in need or firearms for the trip, we'd be happy to assist you with your purchase. Diamond A Guides will be providing all of our food, lodging and guiding for the weekend. Depending on number of people attending, we may have 2 elevated trailers which will be stationed in different fields. Shooting groups can shift around each day depending on guest preference. What’s included:
1 or 2 full days of varmint shooting on an elevated shooting platform Dog-Gone-Good shooting bags 1 night lodging (if hunting 2 days) 3 hearty, home cooked meals per day Access to Crane Hot Springs Where: Crystal Crane Hot Springs 59315 OR-78 Burns, OR 97720 https://www.cranehotsprings.com/ When: May 4-5, 2019. The Hot Springs/Diamond A Guide HQ is about a 2.5 hour drive from Bend, OR. I plan to drive up on Saturday morning leaving Bend at about 530am. Breakfast is served at 8am. We'll drive home late afternoon - Leaving Crane around 6-7pm at the latest. What to bring for shooting: Rimfire rifles and handguns (22LR, 22 Mag, 17HMR, etc.) Small bore centerfire rifles (.223, 22-250, 22 Nosler, etc.) Multiple magazines for each firearm 750-1000 rounds of ammunition per day of shooting Suppressors for any of the above firearms (optional) Eye and ear protection Closed toe shoes Firearm cleaning kit Camera Binoculars What to bring for camp (if hunting 2 days): Sleeping bag and pillow Swimsuit Camp chair Warm clothes Cost: $515.00 for a 2-day hunt, 1 night lodging and 6 meals -OR- $315.00 for a 1 day hunt (Saturday ONLY) and 3 meals It is customary to tip your guide $20/day as they work hard to get us on rats and often help loading mags so we can stay shooting. Call [REDACTED] or bring a check to the shoot. Mention “Oregon Outfitters May 4-5 Sage Rat Platform Shoot” and whether you're going for both days or for a single day. CONFIRM ATTENDANCE WITH RYAN AFTER PAYMENT IS MADE. Questions: Ryan Johnson, Oregon Outfitters - Call or text at (541) 977-9707 or email [email protected]
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